OTZ Methods provides 60 hours of course possibilities which are designed to give the practicing doctor of chiropractic maximum flexibility. Start with the Adjusting 101 module and get introduced to the possibilities of learning the OTZ Method. Lots of hands-on training so you can go back to your office and begin applying it Monday morning.
Want to learn more? Continue to advance your adjusting skills by moving through Adjusting 201 and 301.
For those doctors who want to explore greater detail about the functional neurology behind OTZ Methods, we have three powerful modules titled Neurology 101, 201, and 301. The neurology modules do not have to be taken in order, so you can jump in anywhere!
Finally, for those doctors who wish to become Elite OTZ Certified Providers, complete all three adjusting modules, two of the three neurology modules, pass a written examination with at least a 75 percent, and demonstrate competency in the practicums included in the individual modules. You will be awarded a beautiful certificate, suitable for framing, to hang in your office. To maintain certification you must take the Adjusting 301 module every two years.
Elite OTZ Certified Providers will have the opportunity to be included in any programs that we create in the future to connect people in need to OTZ Certified Providers!
For legal purposes, an “Elite OTZ Certified Provider” means that the provider has satisfied the requirements to attain that status as defined by this certification policy. Nothing further should be construed from this designation.