Findings Show Multiple Sclerosis and Insomnia May be related to Structural Malfunctions in the Human Frame?
Top researchers from New Zealand and Canada are finding that a variety of disorders are responding very favorably to a method of assessment and adjustment discovered by a chiropractor in Dallas, Texas.
Dr. Francis X. Murphy founder of OTZ Methods says the last 13 years he has been studying the human frame quite differently than doctors of chiropractic have in the past. This unique form of assessment is the only method of analysis and technique that is being researched in the chiropractic field by the top researchers in the field. It is focused on the spine on skull relationship. Once the spine on skull relationship is adjusted, the results of the OTZ method have been drastic for patients, especially those with muscular dystrophy and insomnia.
Dr. Murphy explains how over time the body to brain to body communication becomes effected. This analysis has become to be known as “Top Down Analysis”. Measurement can range from balance, gait, spinal fluidity (movement), blood oxygenation, breathing rhythms, chest expansion, task ability, and memory to heart rate variability, muscular strength, endurance, digestion irregularity, spinal degeneration, spinal disc degeneration and the list goes on.
Murphy finds that the patient’s history usually is the most revealing piece of the puzzle. In the OTZ Method of analysis three very specific x-rays are key in zeroing in on the root cause of the problem. In 2006 Murphy first identified an anomaly in a woman’s x-ray related to the skull on spine relationship. After careful consideration and revaluation he devised a strategy to address the anomaly. The patient, Pam Hatcher suffered from a medically diagnosed Frozen Shoulder Syndrome and a variety of other symptoms ranging from global pain to insomnia. With a single treatment all of her symptoms were reduced. The down-stream effect of the adjustment reversed the Frozen Shoulder Syndrome (FSS).
The “Hatcher Murphy Disorder” was soon born from this adjustment. Documented in the movie “Doctored” OTZ “Top Down Analysis and Treatment has a very predictable effect on FSS. Over time this very logically and systematic analysis and treatment of the skull on spine relationship showed promising results in a number of other well known named diseases for which the causes are unknown.
A study of the down stream effect of OTZ methods of spinal analysis and treatment is being conducted in various clinics in different countries. To participate in the Dallas, Texas USA study you can apply by e-mailing OTZ at
Please limit your message to a maximum of 150 words and include your address, cell phone, and home phone number, plus best time to call, any medically diagnosed disorders, chief complaint and short history of your symptoms.